
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi - The origin of 6 degrees

"Frigyes Karinthy, the Hungarian writer, who in a 1929 short story conjectured that any two people on Earth could be connected by five handshakes.

(Albert-Laszlo Barabasi is in turn referencing a link here)

Needs of Core Foremost?

Art Kleiner's blog

Kleiner has just published Who Really Matters: The Core Group Theory of Power, Privilege and Success

Excerpt from The Electronic Recruiting News - Daily News For Recruiting Professionals
"You've probably encountered Art Kleiner's work and just didn't know it. Often billed as the world's greatest living Ghost Writer, Art had a deep hand in Peter Senge's The Fifth
, Peter Schwartz's The Art of The Long View and a large number of others. He co-authored The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, The Dance of Change and Schools That Learn with Senge. Kleiner's own The Age of Heretics is a comprehensive view of the role of the counterculture in corporate history.

"These days, Art is making waves with a new organizational theory that is bound to be a conference room topic next year. The Core Group posits the intelligent argument that there is a simpler reason for the existence of organizations. They don't exist for profit or productivity, they exist to satisfy the needs of the ruling Core Group. Period. Either you're in, and being served or you're out and you're serving. Either you want to be or you don't."


Studying Networks

Wired Excerpt: Part chaos theory, part biology, part connect-the-dots, the science of emerging networks seems to account for almost everything from why flies swarm to how yoga got so trendy. The world’s inchoate phenomena, the theory goes, can be explained by finding underlying patterns. In recent months, the idea has jelled into a network all its own — finding its way into a pack of new books that uncover complex patterns lurking everywhere.

Interesting Ideas: The Great Library of Amazonia

"We have the tools to make all books available to everybody"


Insights: Use of Computer/Social Networking

Social networking systems promise ease and deliver irritability, by Jerry Michalski

From Ryze and LinkedIn to Tribe.net and Friendster, social-networking Web sites are all the rage. I count at least 18 active social-networking services today, plus several that have vanished or morphed (SixDegrees, for example, one of the earliest such services, is now being relaunched as an upscale-dating site.) They are sprouting so quickly they practically constitute a new Internet boomlet of non-revenue-generating startups.
To these offers you might add similar relationship-building and -mining software, such as dating services (Match.com, SocialNet); webs of trust (Advogato); reputation systems (Slashdot Karma, eBay Ratings); nifty experiments (Friend of a Friend project); and ways to mine all the above through analytic social-network, or 'X ray,' technology (Valdis Krebs's Inflow). "