
Blog Comments and Moderation

[This whole post may not transcend the I-thought-it-was-funny-at-the-time standard]

This academic guy, Philip Greensan, created a massive photo site called photo.net (it’s a good site) and became rich and now an affiliation with Harvard. He maintains a blog which attracts a collection of comments like:

"P.S. Your blog's comments section continues to amaze. It's like some kind of zoo, but with idiots instead of exotic animals." http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/philg/2004/08/27#a5783

This reminds me of the quote "The problem with the global village is the global village idiots."

In one comment, the author of Envisaging Information and some other great books about visual design chimed in: "'My first experience with forum moderation and, indeed, my first contact with Philip, took place when he deleted a contribution of my at his photo.net!' EdwardTufte • 8/29/04; 6:09:40 PM #"

And then there is this stream, where Phil tries to sell a TV on ebay, and plug his cousin's new movie.

"Sounds like your cousins interpersonal skills are as refined as his movie productions. Seena Hyena • 9/3/04; 9:53:52 AM #"

"Seena: My cousin made more than $100 million with his last movie, About Schmidt, which was nominated for at least two Academy Awards. If he had better interpersonal skills maybe he could be a Java programmer sitting in a cubicle quietly taking orders from a University of Massachusetts MBA. Maybe instead of going to Knicks games with Jack Nicholson he should be seeing a therapist to become a kinder, gentler, more caring human being. Philip Greenspun • 9/3/04; 12:00:47 PM #"

But there is more!

Philip's eclectic writings include materialism, about which he says: "Not being a materialist in the U.S. is kind of like not appreciating opera if you live in Milan or art if you live in Paris. We support materialism better than any other culture. Because retailing and distribution are so efficient here, stuff is cheaper than anywhere else in the world. And then we have huge houses in which to archive our stuff."

And ...

"So lemme get this straight. The creator of photo.net doesn't have any photos on his e-bay auctions. Ahh, savor the irony. Wayne Menzie • 9/2/04; 2:29:26 PM"

"Photo nerds: You guys sure were right about eBay. I've gotten a whole bunch of questions from people wanting to see photos of the TV. They aren't satisfied with the "check the Sony Web site" or "it is big and grey" answer. They believe that a photo will enable them to evaluate its "condition" (maybe there are a bunch of folks who let their dogs walk all over their TV, thus marring the grey finish)."