
Great China photos ...

Chinese Rural Architecture

The whole on-line magazine looks wild.

From the introduction: "Back in the winter of 1998 we won another sweepstakes vacation to a dude ranch, only this time the vacation lasted three years. Remember that clean mountain air, those high plateaus and the freshly mown alfalfa? They proved again such welcome respite from dotcom lunacy that we almost forgot the Web existed -- not to mention San Francisco. But then our cell phone rang, with reports that Atlas had fallen into a morbid pit of decomissioned servers. Adrenaline pumping, we dove into the Atlocraft and threw her into high gear (well, third gear, anyway), burning code all the way back to headquarters, where we found some awfully sour milk in the fridge. It took us a while to dust off the buddhas and hook up the generator, but it looks Atlas is back. For a while anyway. You never know in this town."

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