
The Great Game II + China's Wild West

China's Wild West - 99.09: "In the terrible desert and desolate massif of Xinjiang, the Beijing government faces a volatile mixture of ethnic groups, some of whom are hostile to all that is Chinese.

"In the Hexi Corridor, between the mountain ranges of China's arid, north-central Gansu Province, the Great Wall crumbles to an end. "

The New 'Great Game': "The Caspian region may be the next big gas station, but, as in the Middle East, there are already a lot of men running around throwing matches."

ShangHai Eye - Hu for oil: "while Premier Wen Jiabao rushes around the poultry farms of China, personally wringing the necks of thousands of flu-ridden birds, President Hu Jintao is presumably enjoying himself in the swankiest hotel in Libreville. But it's not all fun and games. Hu is in Africa, doing his bit to solve one of China's biggest problems. "

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