
Keith Hart?s Memory Bank - Biography

Keith Hart?s Memory Bank - Biography: "KEITH HART is an anthropologist who lives in Paris and commutes to London, where he teaches part-time at Goldsmith?s College. He started out studying classical languages and literature and went on to explore Atlantic society from the point of view of Africans in North America, West Africa, the Caribbean, Britain, France and South Africa. He has taught in ten universities on both sides of the Atlantic, for the longest time in Cambridge, where he was Director of the African Studies Centre. He has worked as a consultant, journalist, publisher and gambler. He contributed the concept of the informal economy to development studies, and has published widely on economic anthropology, especially about money. The abiding theme of his work is the relationship between movement and identity in the transition from national to world society. His life is now defined by the poles of solitary writing and world travel. He is sustained by his family and the virtual intellectual network in his laptop. He is currently writing a novel and several other works of non-fiction. His greatest ambition is to be a movie critic. "

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