
Internet consultant's site
Interesting. Sample (my blog referring to his blog referring to some other blogs): "Matt Welch called my attention to something Henry Copeland wrote about the counter-intuitive power that featuring outbound links on you site has for driving traffic to your site. Quoting Henry:
Glenn Reynolds' Instapundit did more than 100,000 page views yesterday.... Instapundit illustrates a perverse law of web traffic. We all know about Metcalfe's law, which states that the usefulness of a network equals the square of its user count. Here's the Copeland corollary: site traffic multiplies in proportion to outbound links. (9/14/02 Revised to "site traffic multiplies in proportion to outbound links to other bloggers' posts"... see comments for more ideas.) Of course quality, focus, information-density and presentation are essential. But all else being equal, a site that links religiously will attract orders-of-magnitude more traffic than a site that ignores the rest of the web.
I agree (and just didn't take the time to write it up and/or find a suitable forum)!

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